First 3 Days With ASP Core 20

About 3 days ago the final version of ASP Core 2.0 released. I installed the new bits and have been playing with it since. here is my experience so far. Fantastic.

No bugs

So far I experienced no bugs. Everything works perfectly. No compatibility issues like the previews version and no errors. Its fast and reliable.

.Net Standard 2.0

Its really the best part of the new version. it feels more matured than the last version. supporting a large number of older libraries is really what many developers were looking for.

Configuration and Logging as a service

With IConfiguration And ILoggerFactory injected directly into Services its now accessible from every where in project without any additional code.

Razor pages

I always needed this feature. In very projects there is some simple pages that dont have any code behind. And even they do, its almost nothing. now I dont have to create a Model, Controller and View just to show about page. and thats my favorite thing in ASP Core 2.0


Until last week I was not even considering migrating to ASP Core. Because there were so many uncertainties around the project and there were not much to gain after all. But now I feel like I can not go back and use the old ASP MVC 5 any more ! yes, It’s that good.


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